
Friday 1 July 2011

Unlock Your Doors With 3D Facial Recognition

I feel pretty awesome when I come home, because I know that I don’t have to mess with unlocking my front door. I just pull into the garage, and walk in. Now if I had a really cool way to open my door, I might just find more reasons to park outside. I mean, if you had a facial recognition system, wouldn’t you want to use it all the time?

Check out this new Facial Recognition Time Attendance System and Access Door Lock (you’d never guess what it did from the name) from Chinavision. It sports a pair of night vision cameras which use advanced 3D imaging to map your face in less than a second. Sure, it’s primary function is logging worker’s attendance, but it does also unlock doors. So for $456, you could have the most badass front door lock in the whole town.

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